Powder coating is a powdered paint made up of pigment and binders applied in a dry and free-flowing state. Think of wet paint, but without the harmful solvent and VOC additives. This coating is applied electrostatically to the metal part, which is then cured at high heat. Within the curing phase, the primers and paints go through a process of thermal bonding and crosslinking. This process of thermal bonding yields a significantly more durable coating than any other paint process can achieve.
Our partners manufacture high-quality paints specifically designed to excel in manu industries, including architectural grade outdoor and indoor applications, heavy equipment outdoor super durable coatings, and health-conscious environments such as healthcare, fitness, and food service industries.
Powder coating is the most durable, high-performance corrosion protetion application available in today's coatings marketplace.
Another significant advantage to powder coating is that no solvents or volatile organic compounds are needed, making this an environmentally friendly process. Our powder coating meets and exceeds all EPA requirements for air and pollition control.